
Photographer Paul James DiPasquale, (b. 1980 Rochester, NY), has centered his work on landscape and portraiture with a timeless aesthetic. Initially drawn to photography by long exposure work around 2010, he discovered film photography and quickly became captivated. Around that time many people were discarding film cameras and film was thought to be a lost medium. 

Completely self-taught, he immersed himself in photography books by some of the 20th century's best: Henry Wessel, Helmut Newton, Sally Mann and Annie Leibovitz. Looking at work by Dorothea Lange made him want to uproot himself and see more of the United States. He spent a year in Los Angeles, working with a variety of old cameras, trying to hone a style. 

His portrait work, under the title A Familiar Place, focuses on youth and adolescence reconnecting with nature in a time where too many people are lost on phones. The portraits hope to portray a sense of family bonds, peace with nature while at the same time a longing for something more. 

The Beginning of the Old Roadis a body of work that highlights his deep interest in the American West and Southwest. A road trip from Reno, Nevada to Long Island in the summer of 2016 was the catalyst for the work. Completely shot on black and white film, the photographs in this project were made in Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, South Dakota, Wyoming and Nebraska.  The film was processed and scanned by Indie Film Lab in Montgomery, AL. 

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